What are some gum disease treatments?

Gum Disease

Gum disease is a common condition which causes gum inflammation. If it remains untreated, the disease can progress and damage the gum tissue and bone that supports the teeth and holds them in place. The early form of the disease is called gingivitis, and it turns into periodontitis as it advances.




Gum disease is caused by an overgrowth of the bacteria found in plaque. Plaque is a colorless, sticky film that accumulates on the teeth. It is removed by routine brushing and flossing. When it is not properly removed, it hardens and becomes tartar. In order to remove plaque, the patient must receive a professional cleaning.




Common symptoms associated with gum disease are summarized below:


  1. Gums which easily bleed
  2. Swollen, red or tender gums
  3. Gum recession
  4. Bad breath
  5. Loose teeth
  6. Movement of the teeth
  7. Pain from chewing
  8. Increased sensitivity




Plaque that is not properly removed, turns into tartar. This creates a rough surface that quickly accumulates additional plaque. It is possible for the bacteria from plaque to cause infection. As gum disease progresses, it can cause damage to the gum tissue and supporting bone. The three stages of gum disease are summarized below:


  • Gingivitis: The first stage of gum disease commonly causes inflammation of the gums and gums which easily bleed. The gums are often red and swollen. Gum disease can actually be reversed in this stage when it is caught and treated in a timely manner.
  • Periodontitis: The second stage of gum disease involves damage to the bone and fibers which hold the teeth in place. Pockets begin to form below the gums which can quickly accumulate plaque. Improved oral hygiene and periodontal treatment helps prevent further bone and tissue damage.
  • Advanced Gum Disease: In advanced gum disease, tissue and bone is destroyed which can cause the teeth to become loose or fall out. The bite, eating and speaking can also be impacted. Dental professionals will work to preserve the teeth, but they may be damaged beyond repair and require extraction.




The only way to effectively remove tartar is with a professional cleaning. It is imperative for patients to practice good oral hygiene with twice daily brushing, daily flossing, and regular visits to the dentist for an exam and professional cleaning. This helps prevent gum disease from developing. Routine dental visits also aid in the detection of any issues, such as gum disease, which require prompt treatment.


The early detection of gum disease is critical in a positive outcome. Advanced gum disease often requires scaling and root planning for treatment. This helps eliminate infection and periodontal pockets in the gums. During the procedure, a dental professional uses special tools or lasers to clean the teeth and root surfaces. Plaque, tartar, and food debris is effectively removed.


Patients who are concerned about the health of their teeth and gums should contact the office today for an examination. The team can determine if you have gum disease and discuss treatment options.

What is gum disease?