Bleeding gums are a common ailment that we often underestimate. We think that the blood is due to mechanical damage and the gum will regenerate quickly. This can be true in some cases; the bleeding can be a temporary issue that will go away with paying close attention to oral hygiene. However, if our gums often bleed while brushing our teeth, we should not ignore the problem. Bleeding gums can be a symptom of many different conditions, not just those related to conditions in the oral cavity.
Causes of bleeding gums
There can be many causes of bleeding gums. One of the main reasons is poor oral hygiene. Bacterial plaque, which is not removed thoroughly, constantly accumulates on the teeth and gum line. Its excess may lead to the development of gingivitis, a symptom of which is, among others, bleeding. Inadequate dental care, including neglect of oral hygiene, may result in periodontitis, which in the initial phase of the disease manifests itself in bleeding gums while brushing or even while eating a meal.
Causes of bleeding gums that are not related to oral health include:
- anemia;
- diabetes;
- vitamin deficiency;
- mechanical abrasions;
- the use of certain medications;
- coagulation disorders.
Bleeding gums can also bother people wearing dentures, especially if they do not fit properly. The solution to the problem is to go to a prosthetist and have the old prosthesis fitted or a new one made.
Bleeding gums during pregnancy
It is worth mentioning that bleeding gums during pregnancy are common. Pregnant women are more susceptible to developing gingivitis due to hormonal changes during this period. For this reason, women expecting a child should pay special attention to proper oral hygiene. Serious hormonal changes that increase gum sensitivity also occur during menopause. Women are also more susceptible to gingivitis and associated bleeding.
Gum problems and periodontal disease
Periodontitis, also called periodontitis, is a chronic disease that affects the gums and tissues surrounding the tooth. The main cause of the development of periodontitis is inadequate oral hygiene. The accumulated plaque gradually turns into tartar, which is a habitat for pathogenic bacteria. Over time, inflammation develops, and periodontal pockets are formed, into which bacteria penetrate. These gradually destroy the exposed roots and structures that hold the tooth in the socket, resulting in increased tooth mobility and tooth loss.
Unfortunately, the initial symptoms of periodontitis are often underestimated. We ignore bleeding gums, their redness and swelling, exposed tooth necks and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
How to treat bleeding gums?
Bleeding gums are a warning signal that we should take more care of the health of our teeth and the entire body. Since there can be many causes of blood, at the very beginning we can try to solve the problem with home remedies.
If our actions turn out to be ineffective, we should definitely go to a dentist who will assess the condition of our teeth and gums and implement appropriate treatment (if the cause is gingivitis or periodontitis).