When we think about oral problems, teeth usually play the main role. However, we forget that the good condition of the surrounding soft tissues is equally important. Many patients complain about a disturbing phenomenon during routine hygiene or everyday activities - bleeding gums. When you notice this dangerous problem, you should go to the dentist's office as soon as possible. Ignoring oral ailments can lead to serious periodontal diseases and their extreme form, i.e., periodontitis, one of the most common causes of tooth loss.
Where do bleeding gums actually come from?
There is a long list of causes behind bleeding gums, some appear more often, others less often, so we will limit ourselves to discussing the most important ones. The first thing to mention is insufficient oral hygiene. When we neglect regular tooth brushing, the bacterial plaque deposited on their surface and under the gum line begins to mineralize and turn into tartar. During the decomposition of sugars, the bacteria present in it secrete acidic substances that irritate the periodontium, causing swelling or inflammation in the oral cavity. It is worth mentioning that incorrect brushing or flossing techniques may also be responsible for bleeding gums, as the intense pressure damages the soft tissues.
In some cases, bleeding gums are the result of diseases completely unrelated to the oral cavity. An example is anemia, a disease resulting from iron deficiency, low platelet count, problems with blood clotting or leukemia. It is similar with diabetes, but here the problem is a bit more complex - diabetics are characterized by reduced body resistance to various bacteria and parasites, which is why they are more susceptible to the appearance of thrush or yeast that causes gingivitis and bleeding gums.
Let us add that bleeding gums can be a result of taking certain medications. This especially applies to substances that disrupt the functioning of the salivary glands, as dry mouth resulting from the lack of an appropriate amount of saliva increases the susceptibility of soft tissues to attacks by various bacteria. Such side effects are usually manifested when using substances that regulate the body's hormonal balance.
Don't believe the rumors about "tender gums"
Many television and Internet advertisements blame bleeding on "tender gums." This is, of course, untrue, and downplaying the problem of the oral cavity by believing in these dangerous rumors may result in a more serious development of periodontal disease and, consequently, in a more complicated and more expensive treatment. If you notice bloody marks while brushing your teeth, consult your dentist immediately. Perhaps tartar buildup on your teeth and under the gum line has caused inflammation, causing your gums to bleed.
Bleeding gums – effects
Bleeding gums is a very serious problem that requires efficient and decisive intervention. Why? The longer we delay visiting the dentist, the more the disease will develop. Please note that the periodontium is responsible for keeping the teeth stable in their place, and its progressive degeneration caused by disease leads to their slow loosening and even falling out. The resulting tooth gaps, in turn, disturb the proper functionality of the oral cavity, ultimately causing further gaps in the teeth. As you can see, we are dealing here with a typical domino effect - one disease gives rise to another.